Baked rice for lazy people

17 01 2010

I’ve decided to turn this blog into a food blog of sorts, posting recipes every now and then in addition to travel/life/Japan related posts as and when I manage to churn them out.

Today I was craving baked rice really badly, and knowing my lazy self I knew I had to find a way to minimise the washing-up after.

So what I did was cook and bake the rice in the same bowl, all done in my toaster oven.


  1. 1/2 cup uncooked rice
  2. slightly less than 1 cup of water
  3. half a cube of chicken stock
  4. 3 tablespoons of tomato-based pasta sauce
  5. hotdogs/frozen vegetables
  6. cheese

Combine the liquid ingredients together in an oven-safe bowl, then heat up briefly till chicken stock cube has melted completely.

Add rice in, and let soak for 10 min or so.

Cover bowl with foil and cook for about half an hour at 1000w.

When most of the liquid has been absorbed by the rice, fluff with a fork and add in the hotdogs/frozen vegetables and leave to sit, covered, for a few minutes.

Finally, sprinkle cheese on top of the rice and bake till cheese is golden brown.

Tasty and convenient.